four stars cases
How to Vet Legal Software Reviews | Legal Files Software

How can you find credible legal software reviews? What do most of us do before we purchase something? Read reviews […]

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Choice legal software
Tips to Choose Legal Software | Legal Files Software

Find tips to choose legal software for your team The world of legal software is expansive. Doing a quick Google […]

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work everywhere
The Mobile Workforce – Legal Software with Collaboration Tools | Legal Files Software

Managing a mobile workforce with legal software In every profession, workers are becoming increasingly mobile. This is especially true for […]

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legal case for you
Selecting Corporate Legal Software | Legal Files Software

Meeting your needs – How to select corporate legal software When you’re looking for corporate legal software, you probably have […]

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business plan
See the Big Picture with HR Case Management Software | Legal Files Software

HR case management software can help with seeing the big picture In our last blog, we talked about how HR […]

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hr case managment
Everyday Case Management Software for HR | Legal Files Software

Every human resources department needs case management software for HR Dealing with lots of moving parts is par for the […]

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monitiring case
Finding Case Management Software for Investigators | Legal Files Software

Case management software for investigators is critical Investigations can involve both legal and non-legal professionals. Not everyone who is involved […]

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Energy law case
Exploring Legal Software for Energy Law | Legal Files Software

Legal software for energy law can help manage what matters to you Energy law is a unique and dynamic field […]

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Balance legal management
Finding Work-Life Balance with Legal Matter Management – Part 2 | Legal Files Software

Legal matter management can end the struggle for work-life balance You’ve likely been seeing more articles talk about finding the […]

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life with balance
Finding Work-Life Balance with Legal Matter Management – Part 1 | Legal Files Software

Many people struggle with work-life balance, but Legal Files legal matter management can help We’re all striving for it. That […]

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Cloud based management
What is Cloud Computing and Where is the Cloud? | Legal Files Software

What is cloud computing and is it right for you? Legal Files explains The world is changing, and cloud computing […]

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Cloud Computing for Legal Matter Management – Advantages and Considerations | Legal Files Software

Is cloud computing for legal matter management right for you? Legal Files explains Now that you know what cloud computing […]

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Legal case immigration
Legal Case Management for Immigration | Legal Files Software

Staying on track with legal case management for immigration Immigration is a broad, and timely, topic that affects many different […]

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Microsoft integration
Microsoft Outlook Integration with Legal Matter Management | Legal Files Software

Effective legal matter management requires two-way Microsoft Outlook integration Attorneys and paralegals rely on email to stay in the loop […]

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confference legal management
Legal Files Management for Universities at the NACUA Annual Conference | Legal Files Software

NACUA and Legal Files provide support for attorneys at universities and colleges It isn’t easy to be an attorney or […]

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