“Wait-Loss” Program
Matter Management as a “Wait-Loss” Program | Legal Files Software

Matter Management as a “Wait-Loss” Program. Effective time management is critical in the legal profession  Attorneys, paralegals and staff in […]

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Workflow in Matter Managemen
Defining Roles for Workflow in Matter Management | Legal Files Software

Organization and well-defined roles are key in a legal department  Legal departments are always bustling with activity. Requests for legal […]

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Collaboration Tool
Legal Matter Management as a Collaboration Tool | Legal Files Software

Collaboration increases efficiency in a legal department Everyone knows that offices are more efficient and organized when employees and other […]

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Cutting Costs Management
Cutting Costs with Legal Matter Management | Legal Files Software

Legal departments around the country are looking for ways to cut costs As the legal profession grows more competitive, legal […]

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Law Office Management Tool
Law Office Management Tool | Legal Files Software

It can be difficult to keep a busy law office organized Attorneys, paralegals, and support staff must complete a number […]

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Document Assembly
Legal Matter Management with Document Assembly | Legal Files Software

Legal Matter Management with Document Assembly Document assembly can save time and increase productivity Creating documents is a part of […]

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Death of the Billable Hour
Legal Matter Management and the Death of the Billable Hour | Legal Files Software

The Death of the Billable Hour and the Need for Better Legal Matter Management. Law firms are moving away from […]

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Data Conversion
Legal Matter Management Data Conversion Done Right | Legal Files Software

Don’t let a fear of data conversion keep you from migrating to a new system   The thought of moving […]

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Management and Custom Reporting
Legal Matter Management and Custom Reporting | Legal Files Software

Report writing and custom reporting add value to legal matter management software Law offices use databases for a wide variety […]

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Managing Legal Holds
Managing Legal Holds with Matter Management Software | Legal Files Software

Managing Legal Holds with Matter Management Software It’s important to find the right software to manage legal holds Attorneys and […]

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Legal Aid Organizations
Providing Legal Matter Management to Legal Aid Organizations | Legal Files Software

Legal Files Software is committed to helping legal aid service providers Law has always been a noble profession. Attorneys fight […]

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Selecting Case Management
Selecting Case Management Software for Legal Aid Organizations | Legal Files Software

The right case management software can save legal aid organizations time and money Legal aid organizations exist for the sole […]

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Social Legal Matter Management
Buy Versus Build for Legal Matter Management Software | Legal Files Software

Deciding whether to build or buy software is a big decision  In the world of legal matter management software, there […]

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Advantage of Customer Service
The Advantage of Customer Service in Legal Matter Management | Legal Files Software

Customer Service as a Customer Advantage in Legal Matter Management   A legal matter management software vendor is only as […]

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Training as a Service
Legal Matter Management and Training as a Service | Legal Files Software

Training as a Service for Legal Matter Management   A legal matter management system is only useful if you know […]

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